cat lover

  • Meow Meow Meow

    Cat cafes are huge in Japan right now. As the name suggests, these are coffee shops where cat lovers go to sip overpriced lattes and hang out with an adorable smoosh pile of kitties.

  • I Reported on the Mets and It Killed My Fandom

    For most of my life, I was a Mets fan the way your little sister is a 'Twilight' fan. It was my identity. Then, I reported on the team for a season. And now I see the players I revered are just regular guys with real demanding jobs.

  • Meow Meow Meow

    Cat cafes are huge in Japan right now. As the name suggests, these are coffee shops where cat lovers go to sip overpriced lattes and hang out with an adorable smoosh pile of kitties.