Child Abuse

  • Please Don't Touch Me

    Nineteen years after I was first molested as a child, I finally filed a police report. I now understand that what took place is classified as rape, and I want to make sure what happened to me doesn’t happen to anyone else.

  • Moroccans Are Sick of Their Country's Pedophile Problem

    When convicted Spanish pedophile Daniel Fino Galvan was pardoned by the king of Morocco last month, ferocious protests erupted all over the country. In response to the widespread outrage, the king revoked the pardon and Galvan was rearrested a few days...

  • The Journalist Who Was Arrested for Investigating a Pedophile Orphanage

    Jersey is an island of around 100,000 people nestled between Guernsey and the coast of Normandy. In 2008, small human remains were found at Haut de la Garenne, a former orphanage on the island. A subsequent investigation exposed a history of sexual...