clive martin

  • A Big Night Out in... a Fetish Club Dance Cage!

    Apparently the S&M scene is back in favor among the adult population of Britain. I decided to wangle my way into a London Fetish Week after party to see what all the fuss was about.

  • Reasons London Is the Worst Place Ever

    London is a city that exists permanently at the end of its rope. It's the last metropolis in a sinking country on a starving continent, an island within an island oozing out into the Home Counties like an unstoppable concrete oil spill.

  • I'll Always Love You, Tony Soprano

    James Gandolfini, American actor and American icon, has died at age 51. Before him, TV acting seemed to be more about doing a passable, consistent job. His Tony Soprano character, on the other hand, seemed like someone I knew. Not somebody I liked or...

  • Rave and Hardcore YouTube Comments Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity

    It's commonly held knowledge that most YouTube comments rank up there with Houellebecq novels and Somme fatality statistics as some of the most depressing things you can read. But, thankfully, there are a few diamonds of decency in that online hate-pit...

  • Why Closing Southbank Skate Park Would Suck for London

    If there's one thing London is lacking it's coffee and sandwich shops. Many's the time I've found myself stopping people in the street, saying, "Hey, you know what this city needs? More cafes." The people at the Southbank Centre share my opinion, as...

  • RIP Men: An Obituary for a Gender

    Reader, make sure you're sitting down. Please. I have some terrible news to break to you. The rumors have been circling for some time now, but this is no Twitter hoax. Earlier this week, the gender of Men passed away in a tragic bicycle accident.