
  • The Fattiest J Competition

    When man rests, the competitive essence of his very being does not. It drives him to excel even at relaxation, to best his own capabilities, and of course those of his peers. We are men, and when we chill, we chill hard, and we roll fat, fatter...

  • Magical Spy Sneakers

    It’s a bit of a wonder that communism hasn’t fallen to its knees, screaming, “You win!” at Nike. Since 2006, the company has implanted tracking sensors into its line of Nike+ sneakers, a practice you would think certainly has political implications.

  • Lesbian Parmagian-Off

    Girl-loving girls grill better grub.

  • Arctic Birdie

    Kulturkraft is a school project that has been initiated to make Swedish, Saami and Finnish culture meet without people cussing at each other. As a part of this project one class of Saami kids are making contributions to an art exhibition that will open...

  • Muscle Mania

    Bodybuilding isn't about health or fitness. Bodybuilding is about what you look like, not your well-being or happiness. It's really hard on your kidneys from all the protein you have to eat.