
  • CPAC's Blackfacing of Bad Ideas

    My first few hours at CPAC felt a little like being at New York Fashion Week—white people everywhere were asking to take my picture, which may have had something to do with the color of my skin. There weren't many brothers in the seats, though there...

  • David Frum Is (Still Just) a Canadian Conservative

    David Frum appeared on the American mainstream political scene in 2000 as a speech writer for George W. Bush. He helped pen the expression “axis of evil,” and in 2004 co-wrote "An End to Evil" with fellow neocon Richard Perle. Today, Frum has re...

  • Dinesh D’Souza Is the Most Successful Documentarian in the World, and a Scumbag

    D’Souza has imbued the populist right-wing critique of Obama with unmistakable xenophobic resentment, wild conjecture, and paranoia about his unorthodox personal history—i.e., his “foreignness.” D'Souza also probably cheated on his wife. Nice guy.

  • Romney’s Dying, but the GOP’s OK

    Republicans are freaking out about a Romney loss, but announcing that one of our political parties is dying is an American pastime, just like announcing that the Dear Leader is still alive used to be a hobby in Communist countries.

  • Would You Care if Obama Were Muslim?

    Calling Obama a Muslim is back in style, because why criticize the president over the economy or civil liberties when you can spread rumors that he likes a different imaginary guy than you do?

  • The Wacky World of the Republican Party Platform

    The GOP let ordinary people submit policy ideas to be considered for the platform this time around. A lot of them are terrifying, some of them are smart, some are funny, and none of them will matter in the end.

  • The Social Conservative Crack-Up

    What once looked like a solid block of principled consistency now looks like an Etch-a-Sketch that was stolen, stripped, and left for dead in a dumpster behind the neighborhood Chik-Fil-A.

  • Has the Whole World Gone Right?

    Will women soon be expected to take gin baths and drink pennyroyal tea to induce abortions, as in previous centuries?