
  • Πήγα σε Ένα Συνέδριο BDSM με την Πρώην μου

    Στο International Ms. Leather & Bootblack, βρήκα κούνιες σεξ, ούρα και μια παράξενη εκδοχή της γαλήνης.

  • Gay Geeks Unite Against Homophobia in Video Games

    GaymerX, the first-ever convention devoted to gay geeks, took place last weekend in San Francisco. I went there to support my brother (who organized the event) and to chat with attendees about why being a gay geek is so hard and what the video game...

  • Things Nobody Cares About at Comic-Con

    There’s plenty to love about Comic Con. The sense that you’re participating with your generation and the validation granted by other convention-goers as they smile dutifully to you in passing is great. There’s also a heap that the majority of attendees...

  • How Does It Feel: Supernova

    Last weekend was Supernova, for those who have been under a rock (or a woman), it’s a nerd fantasyland extravaganza at the Melbourne Showgrounds. We set the tone for the day by catching the no. 57 there, which according to my photographer Heather is...