
  • Furious Turks Are Back on the Protest Warpath

    Demonstrations representing a variety of causes continue to flare up in Istanbul and throughout the country, and troublingly, the police and Tayyip Erdoğan's government have responded to all of them with violence.

  • Peasant Farmers in Colombia Are Being Killed for Their Land

    The day before we set off for Catatumbo, Colombia’s ministry of defense tried to intimidate us into changing our minds. We received several emails and were invited to a personal meeting, where we were warned that our safety among the region's locals...

  • The EDL Spent Saturday Bleeding All Over Birmingham, England

    You might have thought that the English Defence League had already sufficiently exploited Lee Rigby's murder for their own Islamophobic ends. But on Saturday, a bunch of EDL trekked up to Birmingham to continue dancing on Rigby's grave. I went along to...

  • Moronic English Fascists Marched on Parliament in London

    Since Lee Rigby's murder in Woolwich last Wednesday, there has been a surge in Islamophobia in the UK. The English Defence League—long-time opponents of Islam—have attempted to capitalize on this by organizing a series of marches and demonstrations...

  • Too Binz to Fail

    Almost seven years ago, a group of squatters called the Schoch family took over some former factory buildings in Zurich's Binz neighborhood. Last February, the city announced that they were planning on massacring the party by converting the building...