
  • Iowa City

    One time Laura's roommate's boyfriend got us a gig in Iowa City. To play a gig outside our hometown was an event—to play outside our state—well, we were beside ourselves!

  • Tree Planting Is Really Awful

    Tree planting is a popular summer job in Canada. You can make a lot of money quickly, you spend a lot of time in the great outdoors, and it’s a paid way to lose weight while you dig holes in the hot sun over and over and over. It’s the perfect job, if...

  • Another Year on the Streets

    Congratulations. If you're reading this, you just survived the deadliest day of the year for pedestrians.

  • What's the Dumbest Thing You've Ever Done Drunk?

    That big office holiday party is coming up where at least one of your co-workers gets drunk and makes a decision that ruins their professional career forever. With that on the horizon, we asked some Brits what's the dumbest thing they ever did when...

  • Things I Learned from Butt Chugging

    The insertion of foreign objects into the rectum intestinum of Homo sapiens is nothing new. As you’ll remember from history class, the Maya administered tobacco and hallucinogenic enemas for religious purposes, and also probably because they were bored...

  • A Big Night Out in... Orlando!

    I’m a Canadian living in Orlando with acquaintances who're always going on about some thing called "the party bus.” I know this is Florida, and when you look at a satellite map of America, it kinda looks like its prolapsed anus, but surely the party...

  • Family Tradition

    Martin County, Kentucky is dry. That means unless you can make moonshine, you ain't getting drunk. If you want to crank it up, you need to head over the bridge into Fort Gay (yeah, yeah), West Virginia. That's where the Wildcat bar is.

  • The VICE Guide To The Bars Of Coober Pedy

    Drinking is the national sport of Coober Pedy. It averages 45 degrees Celsius outside, the sports oval is a dust bath at best (and a mud bath at worst), and if you live here you're either unemployed or you work like a total miner ie. really, really...

  • I Got Myself Shot

    Bouts of drinking tend to end with either a bang or a whimper-rarely, however, both.