• Kira Radinsky Is an Internet Oracle

    Dr. Kira Radinsky can see into the future. She is pioneering predictive data-mining software that can forecast natural disasters, disease epidemics, social unrest, and violence outbreaks.

  • What Really Happened in Russia This Morning?

    As you've probably heard already, a meteor exploded above the Chelyabinsk region of central Russia earlier today. It injured over 900 people, at least two of them seriously. But what the hell was it? UFOs? A missile test gone wrong? Or... an American...

  • We're Going to Get Buzzed by an Asteroid Tomorrow

    Good news for people who enjoy being alive: The world isn’t going to end tomorrow when an asteroid comes close to hitting Earth. But it is going to be one hell of a close shave, coming within 17,000 miles of the planet’s surface.

  • Tell me About your Bunker

    It was 2009 when Simon Young realised the world was going to end. He was living in Tenterfield at the time – an inland beef town some 700 kilometres north of Sydney. “And one night I had this dream that I was driving in the car up in the mountains...