
  • With Friends Like These, Who Needs Casual Acquaintances?

    Growing up, I thought that the definition of “friend” was pretty simple. It meant someone you shared common interests with, could sit with for prolonged moments of silence and not feel weird, and cared about in a way that wasn’t driven by ulterior...

  • Egon the Blunt Getter

    This time, I couldn’t take it. Egon had thrown off the balance, refusing to comprehend the burden that he placed on us, and completely disregarding what we had given him—a purpose. In front of all of us, he spat on that purpose in defense of whatever...

  • Friends

    Friendship is a constantly self-renewing frontier of human relationships, a Wild West of emotional and temporal adventure times. The stuff of great friendships applies to kindergarteners sharing a snack as much as it does to Carl Reiner and Mel Brooks...