
  • Learning How to Have Sex Like a Gay Man

    For years, my best women friends and I have bemoaned our inability to bang like our gay male peers, who seemed to practice an ideal of free love we longed for, full of equal opportunity objectification, elective nonmonogamy, and communal acceptance.

  • We Saw Hunx and His Punx at 285 Kent

    Hunx and His Punx played at 285 Kent two nights ago. Ssion was there. Lots of local gay icons were there. Jonathan Toubin was there with his mom, and I was there with my camera snapping shots.

  • I'm a Russian Lesbian Pretending to Be Straight to Avoid Persecution

    Almost every day, the Russian government releases new laws and government statements that make queer Russians’ lives more and more difficult—if not next to impossible. Right now, I’m a Russian lesbian visiting relatives in Russia. To survive the past...

  • Don't Celebrate the Gay Marriage Victory with a Wedding of Your Own

    To all my homosexual brothers and sisters: I am cheering with you today. But just because we can get married, doesn't mean that we should. Gay culture is new to legal recognition, so, like our first time getting drunk at a high school...

  • Protesting Against Gay Pride Was Super Boring

    The antigay protesters at the LA Gay Pride Parade claim they were there to try and convert sinners. But I saw no evidence of that. They have no interest in passing on a message to anyone. They were there because they're homophobes who enjoy upsetting...

  • Cry-Baby of the Week

    This week: A guy who made his son quit the Scouts vs. A guy who murdered three people over a prank.

  • At the World’s Gayest Party: Life Ball 2013

    Every year, the Life Ball packs a plane full of singers, drag queens, dancers, club promoters, press, DJs, and various hangers-on from New York nightlife's queerer corners and ships them over to the home of Mozart for the amusement of the Austrians and...

  • Gays or Girls?

    Men have simple sexual needs. They want to cum. That's about it.

  • Give All the Drugs to the Gay Boys

    Here's something everybody should know about gay men: We like to disappear. We like to numb the feelings. We like to be anywhere that’s not here. We like to, quite simply, get messed up. And you know what? We’re damn good at it.