government shutdown

  • How the Shutdown Confused al Qaeda

    An intercepted conversation between two al Qaeda operatives confirmed what some have suspected for a long time: American politics is a joke. Even an organization known for suicide operations is baffled by the self-destructive tendencies of the US...

  • The Hidden Victims of the Government Shutdown

    Sure, National Parks are closed and NASA shuttered, but for goats that love poison ivy and people who want to adopt wild horses and burros, this stupid shutdown really hurts.

  • The US Government Shut Down Because Everything Is Stupid

    Thanks to a few dozen ultraconservative Tea Party politicians, the entire federal government shut down at midnight last night. This doesn't seem like a great way to run a country, does it?

  • Ted Cruz's Love Affair with the Sound of His Own Voice

    The senator from Texas is so caught up in his own preening, self-important rhetoric that liberals and even other Republicans despise him. But as long as he keeps his base of angry old white people happy, he'll be set for life.

  • The Do-Nothing Congress Has to Do Everything at Once

    The most inefficient Congress in history will soon have to vote on Syria, solve two budget crises, avoid a government shutdown, and figure out a deal to renew farm subsidies and the food stamp program.