Jennifer Lawrence

  • What Do Hate Groups Think of Jennifer Lawrence?

    Have you ever met anyone who doesn't like Jennifer Lawrence? No? Me either. But in the interest of presenting a fair and balanced argument, I decided to try and find some people who hate her. And who hates more shit than members of hate groups?

  • Feminist Fatigue

    Feminist fatigue, the kind of philosophical sleepiness that sweeps through me/you/everyone when there is too much to say no to and is something I have felt for years and years, in waves. Not nice warm ocean waves like in Florida but, like, 'The French...

  • Welcome to My Obseshes

    Here in “Obseshes” (RIP Girl News) we will talk about some stuff to like, to love, and to be obsessed with, for real but just for right now. Well, maybe for longer, but that doesn’t matter. OK? OK.