Klu Klux Klan

  • Here’s What’s Happening on the Internet’s Most Racist Forums

    Michelle Lhooq takes another stroll down the ass crack of the internet to find out what's happening on some of the web's most racist forums. Some of what she uncovers is so ignorant, it's almost as funny as it is sad. The glut of hate and negativity...

  • The ATL Twins Would Like to Introduce You to the Li’l Twins

    The world has always been a really scary place, but it just got a little more terrifying now that we've been introduced to the Li’l Twins—the best buds of our favorite double-penetrating duo, the ATL Twins—in Matt Swinsky's twisted-ass video series...

  • Who Feels Bad for the KKK?

    Last Sunday, the world was appalled to hear that the Ku Klux Klan had set a 20-year-old black woman on fire, until it was revealed that she faked the whole thing. So, I called the KKK to see if they were worried that the attack might sully their good...