• Do People Care About Art in Las Vegas?

    Most people go to Las Vegas for gambling, free drinks, cocaine, and those nudie flyers they hand out in the street. Patrick C. Duffy, former president of the Las Vegas Art Museum is trying to change that perception, one tourist at a time.

  • I Tried to Take Part in a Star Trek World Record

    Star Trek conventions are always a sight to behold for their sheer eccentricity and spectacle, but this year's 12th Annual Official Star Trek Convention in Las Vegas was unique. They attempted to break the world record for the most Star Trek costumes...

  • Las Vegas Needs to Get Creative with Its Homeless Problem

    Las Vegas is sending their homeless people away with bus tickets and bottles of Ensure, but are there more creative solutions to this chronic problem? Sure there are! For instance, how about making the homeless into tour guides?