
  • Good Riddance to Anthony Weiner

    Anthony Weiner's campaign is falling apart thanks to his habit of sending photos of his dong to ladies who aren't his wife, but there are lots and lots of other reasons why he's a terrible person who doesn't deserve to see elected office ever again...

  • Testilying: Cops Are Liars Who Get Away with Perjury

    Misrepresentation, deception, and outright lying appear to be part of a police officer’s job description, so much so that the term “testilying,” now common vernacular for police falsifications, was actually coined by NYPD officers as something of an...

  • Was Lance Armstrong Taking Jerk-Enhancing Drugs?

    The interview that Lance Armstrong gave to Oprah Winfrey was a masterful slice of a never-ending sports-fabulism spectacle, and while it made for good TV at times, it was also nearly infuriating to watch.

  • Cancer Memoirs Are Breaking Out Like the Plague

    The thing that motors cancer journalism, which makes it increasingly acceptable, even good, for hacks to tell all about the very darkest moments of their lives, is our craven culture of voyeurism. Nothing can remain private anymore, especially the bad...

  • Eating Their Words

    When you're the eight-foot tall singer in the Liars with a tendency towards manic on-stage behaviour, you tend to burn a lot of energy and get really hungry.