
  • On Decks and Doors

    It’s 1982 and I’ve got a gig on a Navy aircraft carrier, the USS Ranger. I climb aboard at Coronado Island across the San Diego Bay and get off seven days later in Honolulu, Hawaii. Three or four layers below deck I set up a portable portrait...

  • Pussy Willy - Part 2

    Before I joined the Navy, my father gave me some good advice... none of which I took, of course. One of the things he said was "Willy, whatever you do, don't come back here any god-awful tattoos, promise me that." So, of course, this is what I went and...

  • Horses, Bayonets, and the Sinking of Our Political Battleship at the Third Presidential Debate

    The final debate lacked the novelty of the first debate, the antagonisms of the second debate, and Joe Biden’s laugh from the vice presidential debate. Everybody wanted to see it come to an end. We were ready to rip the Band-Aid off, even if a chunk of...