
  • Femen - Σεξτρεμισμός στο Παρίσι

    Παρακολουθώντας τις γυμνόστηθες ακτιβίστριες να εκνευρίζουν μια ορδή Νεοναζί.

  • Ann Coulter Lists Her Favorite "Black Heroes"

    Ann Coulter receives this week’s Ann Coulter Award for Excellence in Racism for her article, “Unsung Black People.” These “black heroes” are the people who dare to be happy when a person is killed. She's had it up to here with all the black folk...

  • My Week with Hungary's Far Right

    Hungary has one of the most highly organized far-right movements in Europe. The Jobbik party—admired by those fed up with government corruption, derided by opponents as anti-Gypsy, anti-Semite, neo-Nazi homophobes—looks set to become the second-biggest...