
  • We Asked a Military Expert if All the World's Armies Could Shut Down the US

    The government shutdown might throw the world into a "deep, dark recession." Didn’t the planet just come out of one of those? Maybe it's time the rest of the world said enough is enough. It’s time for the rest of the world to get a great big army...

  • Dread Judges

    The Supreme Court is increasingly politicized and prone to making far-reaching rulings that negate laws passed by Congress. You can call the US a democracy if you like, but most of the important policy choices are made by an unelected council.

  • Uninsured Americans Are Crowdsourcing Health Care Costs

    David Price is uninsured and searching for health care from outside of government and private insurance. Just this month, David went biking alone in a canyon in Texas. David hit a large bump on the trail, the bike sailed out from under him, and he fell...

  • What the Sequester Really Means: The Poor Will Suffer More

    The sequester is a set of automatic budget cuts that reduces funding for all discretionary programs at an equal rate. The cuts aren’t meant to eliminate any programs but simply reduce funding across the board. Get ready for some potentially disastrous...

  • The VICE Guide to Voting - High-Class Whores

    PROSTITUTION. A vocation as old as politics and half as dirty. Professional ladies and fancy gents have been taking it for cash long before Obama and Romney were shaking hands and kissing babies. If this election is about redefining social order, our...

  • I Was Wrong: Mitt Romney Is Not a Sociopath After All

    Last week, in the inaugural installment of my new column, I concluded that Mitt Romney is a wolf in sheep’s clothing and probably worse; that he is a sociopath out for the Oval Office at whatever cost. I was wrong.