
  • Our Mystic Gave Us the Inside Scoop on 2013

    The year 2012 didn’t end up being the apocalyptic Mayan bloodbath we all expected. So, since we're going to be dicking around here for a while longer, what can we expect from 2013? To answer this question we called our go-to for all things mystical...

  • This Guy Bends Hard Rods with His Mind 

    Shit. I’ve been determinedly rubbing this metal skewer for more than 25 minutes and it still doesn’t want to bend. I’m doing everything my metal-bending teacher, Jean-Pierre Girard, has instructed me to: I’m wearing green, stroking the rod tenderly...

  • A Psychic Spy

    Russell Targ is a preternatural brainiac who developed a government-funded psychic espionage program in the 70s.