Question Of The Day

  • Would You Buy the Magazine That Funds Heroin Use?

    Last weekend, a new magazine appeared in Copenhagen. Illegal! is a quarterly publication about drugs, sold by drug addicts in order to fund their drug addiction. Two thirds of the total sale price (about $5) goes to the seller to spend on heroin...

  • Is It OK to Steal from Rich People?

    We were all brought up to understand that stealing is wrong. But is stealing really that wrong when the person you're taking stuff from has a tons of stuff left over? Like, would Kim Kardashian really notice if one of her lip glosses went missing? Or...

  • When Is It OK to Kill?

    Yesterday, Ian Brady explained his murder of five children in the mid-60s as an "existentialist experience." Which seems like a big leap from reading Sartre's Nausea while staring out of windows, but I suppose that's how you get away with...

  • Is the Government Watching You?

    Everyone just learned that the National Security Agency can pretty much grab phone records of anyone it wants without a warrant. In all likelihood, that's just the tip of the surveillance-state iceberg. You are an open book as far as America's spy...

  • What Do You Think About Critiquing Naked Women on TV?

    Last month saw the premiere of 'Blachman,' a new Danish TV show where a panel of men judge the bodies of naked women. That's literally the whole show. Just some men saying what they like and don't like about the bodies of naked women. Lots of people...

  • How Would You Feel if Your Mayor Smoked Crack?

    It's not totally surprising that famously erratic Toronto Mayor Rob Ford got filmed sucking a glass dick. But what would it be like if a more respected authority figure, like New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, was found in similar cracked-out...