
  • Does Sweden Discriminate Against Christians?

    This spring, Sweden, normally considered one of the most free, equal, and democratic nations in the world, was reported to the European Committee of Social Rights for allegedly violating the human rights of pro-life doctors and nurses.

  • What Tony Abbott and Stephen Harper can Learn From Each Other

    Besides loving church and hating science, the Prime Ministers of Australia and Canada have a lot in common—including awkward expense scandals.

  • Whoever Wins, We Lose

    Being deep enough into Catholicism to the point where you can be considered to lead the church means not being too forward-thinking. In fact, let's take a gander at the top five candidates—according to, of course, a betting website—and see what they...

  • Papal Infallibility Is a Problem for the Catholic Church

    Among the many beliefs that members of the Catholic Church hold is “papal infallibility.” Benedict's resignation is the first instance the Church has had to deal with two people holding infallibility at the same time, which is troublesome.

  • The Ravens Are God's Favorites

    Fifty-three percent of Americans think God rewards athletes who believe in Him with good health and great success. In other words, yesterday, God chose his most-loved, and by default his most-hated, Harbaugh brother.

  • Adios, Choice

    Remove the clinics, put insurmountable obstacles in the way, and Roe v. Wade will soon hold as much power as the now-hilariously-shortsighted Third Amendment. The fight for abortion is almost over, and pro-lifers are nearly the victors.

  • Balls and Chains

    When you believe you're rooting for the “right team,” whether that's due to you being born in a certain sports franchise's media market or because your parents believe in a specific invisible higher power, you're allowed to trade away facts for...

  • Happy JesusWeen, Everyone!

    Imagine kids with close-cropped hair and conservative clothes coming to the door, the homeowners offering candy, and the children pushing that aside and instead offering up a stack of Bibles.

  • God Vs. The Ladies

    The original scriptures—the template which has led to today's incarnation of religion—were written by men during a time when women were property and mystical beasts who occasionally farted out children. This factoid explains the troubling inherent...