
  • The 12 Least Overrated Things in Los Angeles

    A local writer took the city to task for being "overrated." Well, I live in Los Angeles, and I take offense to people making fun of all the amazing things the city has to offer. LA has the most pre-war movie houses in the world, some of the top art...

  • I Used to Be a Scientologist, Now I Help People Out of Cults by Smoking Weed

    Dennis Erlich was the original guy who exposed the craziness of Scientology on the internet. A member since 1967 and later a minister, he started to rebel against the church in the mid-80s. Now he runs a support group to help people out of cults...

  • Don't Bet on the Apocalypse

    Remember those billboards during the summer of 2011 that boldly claimed the world was going to end on May 21 of that year? Those predictions were put together by a California-based Christian cult who is now destitute, because they spent all their money...

  • Paulette Cooper Exposes for the World the Darkest Secrets of Scientology and Cats

    What caused Scientologists to go from arch mysterions suppressing every iota of information about their beliefs to becoming the laughingstock of the entire planet? A blond Jewish lady named Paulette Cooper.

  • Xenu's Touch

    There are an untold number of people still suffering from dioxin, a carcinogenic ingredient in Agent Orange that can produce absolutely horrifying birth defects, and the Vietnamese government has turned to an odd source for health: the Church of...

  • Religions Are Cults

    I’m an atheist-scientologist. It’s really simple. The reason I look toward Scientology is because it’s a religion mostly based on science and fact. I don’t believe in cosmos or agnosticism. I believe there’s just life on Earth and then you die. It’s...