Selena Gomez

  • Everyone's All About It

    VICE very presciently did up a whole issue loosely themed around spring break (I wrote about “limited chaos,” which is going to solve your life if it needs solving) (probably), and my girls are all about it and are scrapping whatever nascent fashion...

  • The ATL Twins Take Us Behind the Scenes of the 'Spring Breakers' Premiere in LA

    Our friends the ATL Twins, who you might recognize from the cover of VICE's March issue and Harmony Korine's 'Spring Breakers,' sent us a bunch of photos from the 'Spring Breakers' premiere after-party in LA last week. There's not much more to say...

  • Behind the Debauchery

    I’ve known Harmony Korine for many years; we’ve been friends through thick and thin, good times and bad. I feel like every element of 'Spring Breakers' was him creating an environment where people felt really open and safe—perhaps so they were...