Small Town

  • Small Towns

    This issue was going to be called the Poor Issue. We looked at the numbers and found there were a lot of poor people in the north.

  • Air Combat

    I'm still in school. I'm 18 years old. I don't know what I want to do when I'm older.

  • Radford Boys

    I'm a Radford boy. I was born here in Sinnon Street, Radford, at home. There were no hospital births in those days.

  • Get The Hell Out

    My whole family worked in the mine. My dad, my step dad, and my mum. My grandfather still works there. He's taking care of closing the mine. I'm 23 now, but when I was about 15 I was a cleaner in the mine. It felt safe since my whole family was there.

  • There's Room At The Inn

    I bought this hotel six years ago. It was cheap because everyone knew that the mine was closing down.

  • Broken Knees

    I used to be a concrete worker, but I've just gone through knee surgery. They operated on me using spinal cord anaesthetics, and I thought that was a bit uncomfortable.