Spring Breakers

  • The Lone Survivor Be

    What’s wit dem moovies that be wit them one person survivin’ in isolation? There be a slew of dem now, the one—at least dem contemporary one that stands out—be Tommy Hanks’s Castaway. It be about him on dem island wit Wilson, his ball.

  • Don't Escape from Chris Burden and Mike Kelley

    This Alien, ya’ll. You know how I do. I be out and about in New York, seeing things, doing things, getting cultural. This week, I'm gone school y'all on the movie Escape from Tomorrow and the artists Chris Burden and Mike Kelley.

  • Them Sounds Is Furious

    I Am Not from This Planet is a column where we give James Franco’s Florida-bred, gun-toting, big-bootie-loving pal Alien the floor to sound off on whatever he likes. For this inaugural edition, Alien breaks us off some knowledge with a review of...

  • James Franco Just Sent Us His Band's Latest Video

    His band is called Daddy, and he does it along with his art school buddy Tim O'Keefe. Their new video for "Crime ( remix)" is composed of footage shot on Harinezumis, which were mounted to 35mm cameras during the production of 'Spring Breakers.'

  • Here's Why Our Magazine Is Not Safe for Prison

    A copy of our Cultural Atrocities issue (released in March) got sent to a guy currently serving time in the Putnam Correctional Institution in East Palatka, Florida. The other day, we got it back, with a nice note from the folks in charge of that...

  • Bummer Obseshes

    Obseshes aren’t always the happier, excitinger, positive-bright-sided things of life, you guys. Obseshes are also the bleakest, most-worst preoccupations, which are just as likely to dominate a subconscious/conscious/conscience as whatever it is you’re...

  • Alex Cameron's Secret Material

    I was supposed to see Seekae last year but then I said something dumb to my girlfriend and pissed her off, and like band member Alex Cameron puts it, “That can feel like the world is ending.” And that’s how I feel when I listen to their stuff anyway...

  • Everyone's All About It

    VICE very presciently did up a whole issue loosely themed around spring break (I wrote about “limited chaos,” which is going to solve your life if it needs solving) (probably), and my girls are all about it and are scrapping whatever nascent fashion...

  • The ATL Twins Take Us Behind the Scenes of the 'Spring Breakers' Premiere in LA

    Our friends the ATL Twins, who you might recognize from the cover of VICE's March issue and Harmony Korine's 'Spring Breakers,' sent us a bunch of photos from the 'Spring Breakers' premiere after-party in LA last week. There's not much more to say...

  • Behind the Debauchery

    I’ve known Harmony Korine for many years; we’ve been friends through thick and thin, good times and bad. I feel like every element of 'Spring Breakers' was him creating an environment where people felt really open and safe—perhaps so they were...

  • Welcome to the Twin Zone

    The longest period of time the ATL Twins have spent apart has been six hours when Sidney was locked up for a DUI. Otherwise they are always together, with the exception of a few minutes here and there to shit, shave, and shower.

  • Here Is the New Red Band Trailer for 'Spring Breakers'

    "Red Band" means it probably has a boob or two in it, so don't watch this while you're babysitting or working at a bank. Or, you know, do watch it and get fired. You'll be happier and have more time to do whatever it is you really love to do.