syrian rebels

  • Bashar's Bangerz

    While the Western world spent the last few months debating Miley Cyrus’s right to gyrate on a teddy bear, Syrian citizens continued a three-year long discussion about Syrian actresses and soap operas’ public disapproval of President Bashar al-Assad.

  • Συρία

    Μια από τις πιο πλήρεις και βάναυσα ειλικρινείς καταγραφές ενός πολέμου που συνεχίζει να αποσταθεροποιεί όλο και περισσότερο την περιοχή της Μέσης Ανατολής

  • The Defector

    He steps through the splintered front door of an apartment building, leans stoop-shouldered against a charred wall. Twenty years old. Gashes of stubble on his drawn cheeks, sharp chin. A sweatshirt too big for his narrow chest. Jeans, sneakers. Brown...