ted cruz

  • Ted Cruz's Love Affair with the Sound of His Own Voice

    The senator from Texas is so caught up in his own preening, self-important rhetoric that liberals and even other Republicans despise him. But as long as he keeps his base of angry old white people happy, he'll be set for life.

  • Nope, the GOP Still Isn't Libertarian

    Article upon article has been written about all the "libertarian Republicans" who are supported by the Tea Party, but those guys look and sound an awful lot like the same far-right evangelical Christians who have dominated the GOP for decades.

  • Let's Just Allow the Tea Party to Take Over America

    Nothing has worked so far to rid our country of this debilitating governmental virus. All attempts to work with them have failed, and bull-rushing them out of the way has proved futile as well. This has lead me to one last ditch effort. Let them have...

  • The AP Style Guide Finally Deported 'Illegal Immigrant'

    Yesterday, the Associated Press declared that the phrase 'illegal immigrant' was no longer kosher, which is a big deal, since when the AP changes its style guide, newspapers around the country go along with it. Naturally, many people (mostly...