The Fashion Issue 2010

  • Crusty Leather

    Crusty punks are, generally, irritating and useless pieces of shit. That's not to say that we don't have crusty friends or crusty tendencies. We do. And we like a lot of crusty music. But those are the exceptions.

  • Today’s Viking

    And now, just for the sake of historical accuracy in light of the preceding photo story, which is accurate in lots of ways but not so accurate in some key ways, we present an interview with a real, a seriously really real, Viking.

  • Crystal Renn

    Crystal Renn published a memoir detailing her struggles with anorexia and her transformation from a starving, near-dead straight-size model into a healthy size-12 supermodel.

  • Truth And Wear

    What are you two wearing right now?

  • Traces of Soho Past

    In New York, art has always left traces behind, but like everything else in the city, those traces vanish a little more with every passing day, until they are completely erased. Take Soho, my neighborhood since 1985.

  • Metallic Package

    Recently, I found myself staring at a painting of Henry VIII-or, more accurately, staring at his kingly crotch in said painting-and I started to wonder, "What the heck was the deal with codpieces, anyway?"

  • Bears Vs. Vikings

    Photos by Terry Richardson Costume design and styling by Wendy Wright at New York Costume

  • The Return Of The Hat

    It's often stated that Kennedy's hatless inaugural appearance sparked a mass rejection of hat wearing from which the hat industry never recovered.

  • The General Of Milan

    Il Generale is a 50-year-old man whom a lucky tram rider might spot one day dressed as an ancient Egyptian scribe and the next as an infantryman in the Imperial German Army.

  • Today’s Viking

    And now, just for the sake of historical accuracy in light of the preceding photo story, which is accurate in lots of ways but not so accurate in some key ways, we present an interview with a real, a seriously really real, Viking.

  • Crystal Renn

    Crystal Renn published a memoir detailing her struggles with anorexia and her transformation from a starving, near-dead straight-size model into a healthy size-12 supermodel.