Tour de France

  • Lance Armstrong, Steroids, and Why I’d Become a Vampire

    One thing I never understood is why anyone wouldn’t want to be bitten by a vampire. It’s like, what the fuck? Are you kidding me? I’d become a vampire in a heartbeat.

  • Unlimited Juice

    The last week or so has been a bad one for athletes who take drugs. These are not the rare and random wild-card athletes who get nailed for "drugs of abuse," these are athletes who, for reasons that usually come down to making more money playing sports...

  • So Wait, Who Actually Won All Those Tour De France Titles?

    On Thursday night the US Anti-Doping Agency stripped Lance Armstrong of his Tour de France titles and banned him for life after Lance gave his Chief Joseph impersonation and told the world “he’d fight no more forever.” So who was the real champion the...