
  • Reading 'Born Again' in Jail

    I’ve spent the last year or so in a federal lock-up awaiting trial on charges that have been duly analyzed elsewhere. Long story short: I’m facing decades in prison...

  • The Government Wants the Media to Stop Covering Barrett Brown

    Barrett Brown has been sitting in prison, without trial, for almost a year. In case you haven’t followed his case, the 31-year-old journalist is facing a century of prison time for sharing a link that contained, within an archive of 5 million emails...

  • Bradley Manning Was Convicted of Espionage, and We Protested at the White House

    Bradley Manning has already been tortured while kept in isolation, and after Tuesday’s verdict he is officially—in the eyes of the American justice system—a bona fide spy several times over. For sharing sensitive files with the antisecrecy site...

  • Julian Assange Isn't WikiLeaks

    With Julian Assange consigned to ambling between his lounge chair and his speaking balcony at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, the fight for free information had gone a little quiet until Edward Snowden appeared and shook it all up again. Now, Assange...

  • This Is a Defining Year for WikiLeaks

    WikiLeaks is now established as the go-to organization for those who have something secret they want the world to know or who hear the footsteps of intelligence agencies behind them. What does its future look like?

  • Bradley Manning's Court Testimony—Leaked

    I was not the only one weighing whether or not it was worth risking my career, my reputation, and a possible military reprimand by recording the Bradley Manning's testimony: this morning, audio of his guilty plea was leaked to the web by an anonymous...