World Peace Update

  • World Peace Update

    Compared to last week's French air strikes against Islamist rebels in Mali, this week—world violence-wise—has been a bit of a wash out. If it weren't for some pissed off Egyptians, Turks, and the never-ending slaughter in Syria, things would have been...

  • World Peace Update

    How exactly is the planet preparing for the rapture? Some people are buying tons of non-perishable food and hiding in underground bunkers. Others, however, are far too busy rioting at wheelchair basketball matches, brawling with their fellow members of...

  • World Peace Update

    Oh hai, Israel! Nice of you to join us. Ever since one of your drones took out Hamas' military leader, Ahmed Jabari, in a missile strike last Wednesday, you've been bombing the crap out of the Gaza Strip. Bravo on your maiden appearance in World Peace...

  • World Peace Update

    While the rest of you have spent the last couple of weeks or so salivating over Usain Bolt's extensive limbs and laughing at London Mayor Boris Johnson's hairdo, I've been researching the ways in which the Olympic spirit has once again failed us. We're...

  • World Peace Update

    Last week, we celebrated World Peace Update's ten-week birthday with The Man getting a taste of his own medicine in no less than three different countries. Unfortunately, Islamic militants, a neo-Nazi mass murderer, and trigger-happy cops have screwed...

  • World Peace Update

    This is our 10th instalment of watching the world continuously and without fail fuck itself up the ass. This week, the world's downtrodden citizens decided to fight back and give the man a taste of his own medicine. Well, at least that's what the...

  • World Peace Update

    Last week, Satan and his evil minions just barely managed to quench their thirst on a limited supply of human slaughter. Lucky for them, this week is a veritable bloodbath of failed peace attempts from an eclectic band of stooges including California...

  • World Peace Update

    Last week, Ukrainian opposition party leader Vitali Klitschko threw world peace down the drain by attempting to take on the Kiev PD singlehandedly. That was pretty hard to top, but a bunch of Mexican cartels, some Molotov cocktail-loving Northern Irish...

  • World Peace Update

    It's not gonna happen while Vitali Klitschko is walking the streets firing tear gas at cops.