This story is over 5 years old.

Powder and Rails

Mike Ranquet

Despite Craig Kelly’s best Obi-Wan Kenobi guidance, Ranquet still pulled an Anakin and strayed to the dark side.

As Mike Ranquet grew up in the northwest hot-bed of the grunge scene, his “Nature Ramp” became a central location for Eddie Vedder and a new brand called Volcom Stone. Vedder wanted Mike to host a MTV Rock the Vote event at the ramp, and in true teen spirit, 800 people showed up. Skateboarding, flannel shirt-wearing, and mushroom-popping ensued, along with a guest appearance by the police department.

Also, Mike Ranquet talks about his sister passing away at an early age, and how snowboard legend, Craig Kelly, stepped in to divert Mike from a future of scumbaggery. But despite Craig’s best Obi-Wan Kenobi guidance, Ranquet still pulled an Anakin and strayed to the dark side. Hanging with Shawn Farmer probably didn’t help, either.