This story is over 5 years old.


Forget About Winter with Little Joy's Rodrigo Amarante's First Single "Hourglass" from His Debut Solo Record "Cavalo"

Saca el hula hula, quítate la ropa y ponte a bailar.

If you're in New York and you look outside today, you'll see the sun, which feels like a new thing considering it's been winter for the last 35456 years. And what's great about the sun is that when you stand outside, the rays feel warm on your face and suddenly you actually feel like a human being. Like, you can move your arms and not feel like you're breaking your bones because they're frozen because the temperature has only been above freezing like one time this entire winter. Anyway, the sun also reminds me of summer—and how awesome it is to make out with someone while lying in the grass of a park, and how doing that to great music is an even better experience.


So on that note, Noisey is happy to premiere the first single from Little Joy member Rodrigo Amarante's debut solo record Cavalo. It's called "Hourglass," and you can stream it below. The charming, bouncy little track recalls the glorious indie rock days of the early '00s.

Cavalo is out May 6 via Easy Sound.