This story is over 5 years old.


Bernie Kerik on 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists: "They're Retarded"

Whatever happened to Bernard Kerik? The former NYC police commissioner and one-time Secretary of Homeland Security nominee is currently serving four years in a federal prison for a variety of activities unbecoming a man of law.
Κείμενο Jason Mojica

Whatever happened to Bernard Kerik? The former NYC police commissioner and one-time Secretary of Homeland Security nominee is currently serving four years in a federal prison for a variety of activities unbecoming a man of law. But we should have guessed that with the tenth anniversary of 9/11 upon us he'd come crawling out of the woodwork to remind everyone of his place in 9/11 folklore. It seems like just yesterday that we went and hung out with him at his McMansion in Jersey where we discussed 9/11 conspiracies, the greatness of Rudy Giuliani, and what it's like to have someone hand you a human ear.