This story is over 5 years old.

Slice of Sneaker

Roca De La Muerta

LA's Mexigoths Don't Cry
Κείμενο Jeaneen Lund

PHOTOS AND INTERVIEWS BY JEANEEN LUND They’re Mexican, they’re goth—they’re Mexigoths. We’ve seen a lot of attention given to the subcultures of Mexican Morrissey fans and Mexican skaters like in Larry Clark’s Wassup Rockers, but what about good old-fashioned corpse-painted, ruffle-wearing goths? The Mexigoth scene in LA is huge. They have clubs that cater specifically to them (Club London, Chamber) and their own bands (Hocico, Dulce Liquido). Why haven’t we seen these Mexican goths until now? Is it because they usually travel only in shadows and mystery, by night, like fugitives from the world of the living? Or maybe it’s that under all the white pancake makeup, it’s hard to tell Mexican from not Mexican? Could it be that goth knows no race? Hmm…



What type of goth are you?

A mix of rivet and death rock.

What was it about goth that drew you into its dark portal?

Ever since I was little, I was intrigued by the look, by the passionate way the people danced and lived. It’s like a black dot on a white wall.

What are you favorite bands?

Hocico, London After Midnight, And One, Sisters of Mercy, and Specimen.

How does your family react to you?

They think of me as a lowlife. They are very typical Mexican parents.


What kind of goth art thou?

I’m a death rocker. I’m not a little velvety goth.

What first ignited your torrid love affair with the goth scene?

Dressing up goth is an art form. And the music was key, of course. It will always be a part of me.

What are your favorite bands?

Anything Rozz did—Christian Death, Shadow Project, Premature Ejaculation. I also really like Specimen, Joy Division, Bauhaus, Cinema Strange, Theatre of Hate, and Aus Gang.

What levels of grief do your parents give you?

I come from a traditional Mexican Catholic family and I was the only one who was outside of the norm. As I’ve gotten older I’ve toned it down a lot and they aren’t as against it now. But they still don’t understand.


Kindly state the subgenus of goth to which you belong.

I’d say classic goth.

What drew you in to the murky goth netherworld?

My cousin introduced me to the music when I was about 14. The first bands I heard were Cocteau Twins, the Cure, Siouxsie, Joy Division, and Depeche Mode, and I fell in love with them.


What’s the best thing about the goth scene?

The music, and I like how it’s a different way of expressing yourself with makeup and clothes.

Is your family supportive or are they conformist posers?

It was hard for my mom to understand at first. She thought I was in a cult or something. But now my parents have gotten used to it and they think it’s interesting.


What species of goth are you?

A blend of death rock and old-school industrial.

Why goth?

I love dancing. When I’m dancing to this kind of music I can let my emotions and anger out and I feel like it’s a safe place to do it.

And the music?

It’s the lyrics—there’s a lot of stuff that you can relate to when you’re feeling like “Why is the world this way?” Like Skinny Puppy is against the vivisection of animals and they sing about having compassion for animals. And of course I like the hard beat.

What are your favorite bands?

Depeche Mode, Skinny Puppy, the Chameleons, and the Cranes. I’m interested in all types of music, and when I DJ, I’ll play anything from Bowie to Cocteau Twins.


Do you consider yourself goth?

If I had to label myself I would say more death-rock style.

When were you first bitten by the deer tick of gloom?

I started out with London After Midnight, and from there I found out about similar bands like Alien Sex Fiend. The magazine New Grave caught my attention and I checked out all the bands that were in it, like Specimen and Tragic Black.

What’s awesome about the scene?

The people in the bands are such great people. When you meet them they actually make time for you and they aren’t stuck up like most band members. Everyone dances to have fun and forget about the outside world. Dancing is really fun. I didn’t start dancing until February because I used to be too shy.