This story is over 5 years old.

The Universal Sadness Issue

Tears Of A Porcelain Clown Egg

Out of the blue, photographer Luke Stephenson emailed us 34 photos of eggs painted with the faces of famous clowns.
Κείμενο Luke Stephenson

Out of the blue, photographer Luke Stephenson emailed us 34 photos of eggs painted with the faces of famous clowns. He wrote, “I’m working on a new project called the Clown Egg Register. It’s a selection of about 300 porcelain eggs from the collection held by the UK-based Clowns International, the oldest clown society in the world. When you are a clown and you join the society you get the chance to have your face registered by getting it painted on an egg, which then acts like a clown copyright. Then the eggs are displayed in the Clowns Museum in Wookey Hole, Somerset, for eternal glory.” “But Luke,” we said, “Luke, why eggs? Why these fragile little things that are just itching to be smashed to bits by us?” To which Luke responded, “Nobody wants to smash clown eggs except for you. Psychos.”