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We're Streaming Our Project X After Party Tonight

We wish you could be in LA for our Official Project X After Party. But if not, you can still feel like you are in a Tyler the Creator-led mosh pit by tuning in to our nifty livestream.
VICE Staff
Κείμενο VICE Staff

We really wish you could be in LA for our Official Project X After Party—it’s one of those once in a lifetime, skip class, call off work, and ditch your significant other kind of events with performances by superstars like Tyler the Creator, A-Trak, Drop the Lime, Hundred in the Hands, Jesse Marco and other special guests.

Fortunately for you, VICE is a multinational media company with super-duper technical and electronic capabilities that all the wannabes could only dream of. So, even if you can’t be there for our celebration of the amazing new Warner Bros. film Project X in person, you can still feel like you are in a mosh pit raging to “Yonkers” by simply tuning in to our nifty livestream.


We plan to party right along with the livestream here in the New York office. We even bought festive hats… By festive hats, we mean kegs and nipple clamps.

Watch the livestream below in real-time, or visit the Project X Facebook page at 9:00 PM PST.

Project X hits theaters on March 2nd. Check out the trailer: