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We Saw This: Wayne Wonder

You may not know Wayne Wonder by name, but you've danced to his music. Awkwardly no doubt, at a school dance or house party.
Sophie Saint Thomas
Κείμενο Sophie Saint Thomas

You may not know Wayne Wonder by name, but you've danced to his music. Awkwardly no doubt, at a school dance or house party trying to move your hips to the Diwali Riddim of his mainstream hit "No Letting Go."  With a catalogue spanning over 20 years, the Jamaican artist's foot print on the music industry extends far beyond what most state-siders are familiar with. Along with being innovating in reggae fusion, he's also played a crucial role in the rise of such artists' career as Buju Banton. So when I was asked to attend his 40th birthday party in New York at Crimson I was like, fuck yeah.


Wayne arrived at the same time I did, around 9:30 with a flock of beauties. Unlike me, the birthday boy flounced through security whereas the guard practically called the pharmacy number on my Ativan prescription bottle. The club was filled with Caribbean-somebodies and the DJ spun nothing but island music, songs I haven't had the pleasure of dancing to since my years spent in the Virgin Islands. A projection screen played the video for his new single "Caught Up" on loop, which as you may expect became a bit repetitive. After his performance that included his classic cover of "Forever Young" and "No Letting Go" (for the ladies) I had the pleasure of sitting down with Wayne to discuss his upcoming album My Way, and pesky love triangles.

VICE: Happy Birthday!

Wayne Wonder: Thanks!

I googled you so I know this is your 40th birthday, but you don't look it.

Well that's what they say so I ain't going to worry about that, haha.

I'm from the Caribbean myself, St. Thomas, I grew up hearing your music.

Oh yeah? The Virgin Islands!

Tell me about the new album.

It's called My Way. I keep it reggae, dancehall. I'm a lover, not a fighter. I put some new flavor into it but always keep it classic, positive.

It's interesting because there's a lot of articles written about you saying you left reggae and dancehall behind for hip-hop and rap.

That's what it says? Oh, no…..

Yeah. I think those writers just don't understand the complexities of the genre because you've always sounded island to me.


Absolutely, absolutely. And you know I'm a singer, I'm a singer, I just like music, so I don't always stick with the hard core dancehall, I might add some romance, or some wider, different expressions of the genre, so maybe that's why they said that.

Totally. Maybe you started singing a little faster on a few tracks and everyone decides it's "rap."

Haha, for real!

Your new single "Caught Up" is about a love triangle, do you find yourself in that situation often?

You know I've been through that, I've experienced being caught up in a love triangle. But eventually you learn. Like I say in "No Letting Go," "though I made you cry by doing things with Keisha and Anisha, that was back then."

Eventually you learn to pick the best girl. You're quite the family man these days.

Yes, yes. I've got two kinds, my daughter and my son and I love the wife. Family comes first. No matter what.

So what's next for Wayne Wonder?

Well I'm about to travel to Ethiopia to play in this festival, a beautiful festival. And then just continuing on this music journey that I'm traveling on.

Bonus points for the night: Caribbean accents

Points subtracted for the night: The out of place herd of rented models

Previously: We Saw This: Bear Hands
