This story is over 5 years old.


It’s Called The Internet

If you’re among the lucky 25 percent of Americans who own a PC in 1994, chances are you’ve graduated from futzing with crude drawings of human and animal genitals in Microsoft Paint.
Κείμενο Rick Froberg

by vice staff

illustrations by rick froberg

If you’re among the lucky 25 percent of Americans who own a PC in 1994, chances are you’ve graduated from futzing with crude drawings of human and animal genitals in Microsoft Paint to sidling up beside your screechy modem armed with one of those internet trial offers America Online delivers in the mail. Five hours and three dozen chat rooms later, you discovered you have a real knack for trolling screen names in search of lonely souls who’ll help you practice your one-handed typing technique and play along as you try to convince some guy pretending to be a girl to stick a marker up his/her ass. And you want more.


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
