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Standish/Carlyon - "Nono/Yoyo"

Today we bring you a new video by futurist dub/pop heartthrobs Standish/Carlyon.
Κείμενο VICE Australia

Today we bring you a new video by futurist dub/pop heartthrobs Standish/Carlyon. The track is "Nono/Yoyo" and the video is a mesmerising colloid of grinding hips and alien sunsets, directed by one-time VICE editor Aurora Halal.

"I was introduced to Aurora's work a while back through her videos for Beautiful Swimmers" says singer and bass player Conrad Standish.  "I knew that she'd be perfect for 'Yoyo'. Silky hypnosis. Deep jams."

We think it's got a Lawnmower Man sex-scene vibe. You should watch it with your hands in your pants.

"Nono/Yoyo" comes off Deleted Scenes, the debut album by Standish/Carlyon. It's out in Australia through Chapter Music and Felte in the US.