This story is over 5 years old.


Saving The Planet With Fart Gas

Sulfur dioxide, the stinkiest part of a fart, has the power to reflect light from the sun.
Κείμενο Mclean Gordon

We are living under an umbrella of carbon dioxide. Light from the sun passes down through this umbrella, but the heat radiating from the surface of the Earth lingers, trapped inside. The layer of CO2 absorbs it, then some of the heat shoots off into space. Some of it bounces back down to Earth, warming us. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, increases in the thickness of this carbon dioxide umbrella have caused temperatures on the surface of the Earth to rise.


It would be nice to reverse this trend, and the best way to do that would seem to be to stop the emission of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide. Unfortunately, that might involve curtailing the consumption of carbon fuels, like oil, coal and natural gas. This does not appear to be happening anywhere near fast enough.

Enter farts.

Read the rest at Motherboard.