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Vice Blog

Hey Ron! - Roommate Rumble

Κείμενο Ron Hemphill

We’ve all had gross roommates, but one who practices poor excrement management and keeps a keratin collection is something only the very unfortunate have experienced. Don’t understand what we’re talking about? Ronaldinho will catch you up to speed.

Hey Ron!
My roommate is a strange and filthy person. He frequently doesn't flush the toilet after taking stinky shits, has dreadlocks, and the other day I found a collection of toenails and fingernails in a weird little jar while I was digging around his room looking for weed. He's on the lease for another six months so I can't kick him out, and I've politely hinted that he needs to be cleaner but what do I do? Threaten him with violence?



I’m not sure if the guy with the dreads is black or white, but being that Vice is mostly read by white people I’m just going to assume he’s a cracker. I have seen white people with dreads, and it is a dirty look. I’m not judging; I’m just giving you my opinion. You may want to teach him a couple things about cleaning, but I have to admit that having toenails and stuff around is pretty nasty. Then again, it wasn’t your place to go inside his room and to hunt down his weed.

As far as the crap in the toilet goes, maybe he did it after smoking a joint. Good weed makes you forget what you’re doing. At least that’s what people tell me. I don’t know. I don’t smoke. Another thing to consider is that if he doesn’t flush the toilet he probably also doesn’t wash his hands. Then he digs around in his bag of weed. So you puff-puffing after this guy doesn’t say much for your hygiene either. You need to talk to him about it because good hygiene is very important.

Take pictures of his filth and show it to him. Say, “This is your disgusting mess. This is what’s not clean.” Be honest with him: “Listen, dude, we get high together, we’re cool, but you’re dirty!” I’m not sure if he was raised in a cave or not, but here in the United States we try to keep things clean.

Now, if I were in this situation, I’d do something like put it in a bowl and leave it inside his room and say, “You forgot this.” I’d probably use some of his clothes to fish it out. But he will see it and know that this should never happen again. I’d be feeding him that dirty water in his breakfast cereal. “This is what you’re having for breakfast.” And if I had a problem after that, you know my remedy: Throw ’em up. Let’s see your knuckle game.


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