This story is over 5 years old.


Talkin' Bout the Boards - All You Do Is Take

Each week we sweat blood so that we can entertain you with our little website/media conglomerate/branding firm and what do we get in return?
Nick Gazin
Κείμενο Nick Gazin

Dear Everyone,

Each week we sweat blood so that we can entertain you with our little website/media conglomerate/branding firm and what do we get in return, besides all the money?! NOTHING! (Besides money.) Nothing but awful, awful comments that are bland and flavorless like cheap floury tortillas! Put some flavor crystals in your brain and write us some funny shit! We're trying our fucking hardest for you and you give us NOTHING! ALL YOU DO IS TAKE! AND ALL WE DO IS GIVE AND GET PAID! YOU DISGUST ME!


I drew these portraits of some of you based on who wrote good comments. Leave interesting comments on the new articles each week and you could see yourself in this column too.

From A$AP Playli$t Manife$ted

From The Mercy Rule - Monday Night Sack o' Garbage

From Wondering… Gay Culture Is Dead

Previously: I Like Reading this Shit