This story is over 5 years old.



When we heard a nearby mall had a personal styling service, we got curious. It made us think about how fast-moving trends and constant fashion critique in the media must impact on the minds of honest, hardworking people.

laid back yet rockin’

work full time; live in a share house; watch a lot of movies

Hugh: Having someone dress you is the height of laziness, like using bedpans and wheelchairs. In other words, me likey!

Sam: I concur!

Hugh: Michelle had a Zen-like power to make us calm even when dressing me in outfits that dudes who have read ‘The Game’ wear (I haven’t read it fyi).

Sam: I could neither walk in these shoes or climb stairs in this skirt. This outfit = need to buy a segway.


Hugh: I think I’d scrub up rather well in a suit. Just not this one. It was too big and I look like I’m off to the races.

Sam: My mother would like me in this. Her only comment would be “more jewellery!”

Hugh: Sam and I had our wedding ceremony in the hallway of Southland shopping centre’s centre management.

Sam: VERY romantic.

Hugh: With more time, and if her clients weren’t clowning around like we were, I imagine she’d provide a valuable service… Pity that Sam and I are already super stylin’.

Sam: A trip to the food court was a highlight.