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DIE! DIE! DIE! Is Bringing Us Some Hot Sauce

NZ purveyors of punk and exclaimation marks Die! Die! Die! are coming to Australia for a tour that we're presenting. Here's some stuff them and us recently said to eachother
Κείμενο Josh Gardiner

NZ purveyors of punk and exclaimation marks Die! Die! Die! are coming to Australia for a tour we're presenting. Here's some stuff them and us recently said to each other.

VICE: Hey Andrew, what’s new?
Andrew Wilson: Hello VICE Australia. Things are going really cool thanks. We’ve just been doing some more recording with Chris Townend (Portishead, D12, Violent Femmes) who produced our new album, Harmony. There’s been a lot of fun and 5am swimming…


We like the new album. We assume you’re ok with it too?
I am really happy you like the new one. I suppose I can forgive you for saying our third album sounded like Blink 182… still never got that review. I’ll let it go.

How was the NZ tour? You played on a boat in Mt Maunganui, right? 
This crazy kid does punk DIY shows in Tauranga of all places and he had the genius idea of us playing on a boat. It was possibly in my top five favourite Die! Die! Die! shows ever. 80 people on a creaky boat called the Luv boat. Lots of booze and Hawaiian shirts. A guy we know with two Die! Die! Die! tattoos had his birthday party on the boat at the same time. It was pretty amazing.

Any other tales to tell for the road?
Our Dunedin show at the Crown was amazing, 160 people rammed into a small room except for one scary skinhead at the end of the night who said we were the modern version of 70's oi music. I don’t think that guy gets out much. He then threatened to kill most of the people in the pub when they wouldn’t sell him any more RTD's.

Last time we saw you here was for an super short 18 minute set in Melbourne that we flew you over for (thanks again for that by the way) You’ll be looking forward to a little more stage time on this trip?
Yeah, hopefully none of the bands we play with have inner ear monitors…

It’s been a while since you toured here with so many dates.
We haven’t played there properly for years, two years I think. We’re excited, I love playing in Australia.

Who’s got the most comfortable couch to sleep on when you’re here?
Ha, well, it’s a battle between our friends Steve or Oldboy. You know who you are.

Listen, we’ve gotta go, do think you can bring over some Kaitaia Fire hot sauce for us?
Fucking of course. Die! Die! Die! were supposed to make the music for their ads. But I never got around to it. Do you like the red or the green sauce?

Either or. Thanks bro.