This story is over 5 years old.


I Made Another Journal

Hi, there! Remember me? I'm the guy who wrote that thing last May about my literary journal, "The Milan Review."
Κείμενο Tim Small

Hi, there! Remember me? I'm the guy who wrote this thing last May about my literary journal, "The Milan Review." And here I go again with the shameless self promotion: The new issue is out now! I wanted you to know about it, so I bugged VICE online editor Jonathan Smith about putting something up, but he told me I had to write it myself. So I did. And here we go. In case you don't remember, the last issue of "The Milan Review" was called The Milan Review of Ghosts. This new one is The Milan Review of the Universe, which is a title I'm very proud of. It's much bigger than the first issue—like 224 pages—and printed in color and bound with a blue cover that's really nice to touch. It's just a better issue in every way. Here's what it looks like inside: The book is structured around the 12 signs of the zodiac. Each sign is a chapter that contains a short story and a portfolio. So, basically, you get to bring home 12 stories by 12 different writers as well as 12 portfolios by 12 different artists. It's a pretty good deal. The authors are: Iphgenia Baal, Amie Barrodale, Chiara Barzini, Blake Butler, Matthias "Wolfboy" Connor, Seth Fried, Amelia Gray, Shane Jones, Robert Lopez, Clancy Martin, Francesco Pacifico and Lynne Tillman. And the artists are: Massimiliano Bomba, Carola Bonfili, Milano Chow, TJ Cowgill, Joe DeNardo, Francesco de Figueiredo, Roope Eronen, Frédéric Fleury, Christy Karacas, Taylor McKimens, Brenna Murphy and Toony Navok. That's a lot of stuff for 30 dollars.

I'll be throwing a little release party for it tonight at powerHouse Arena in Brooklyn. There will be alcoholic refreshments and readings by Seth Fried, Robert Lopez, and Lynne Tillman, and there will be the chance to buy the book at a discounted rate of $25, instead of the $30 you'll find it at in stores. Ah, and all readers on the West Coast should keep in mind we'll be doing the same thing on Saturday, at Richard Hugo House in Seattle with a reading by Amie Barrodale and a show of TJ Cowgill's illustrations. THEN, on Wednesday, we're having a little thing at Family in LA, with readings by Amelia Gray and yours truly.

Follow our book stuff on @themilanreview or follow my own shit at @yestimsmall

powerHouse Arena
37 Main Street
Brooklyn, NY