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Friendly Fire

The Flaherty/Corsano consists of, strangely enough, Chris Corsano and Paul Flaherty. They are a fireball of free jazz ferocity and splutter that spits out from nothing more than a drum kit and saxophone. No bullshit posturing here, these guys just rip...
Κείμενο Brother Banshee

Photo courtesy of Artschool Dropout

The Flaherty/Corsano consists of, strangely enough, Chris Corsano and Paul Flaherty. They are a fireball of free jazz ferocity and splutter that spits out from nothing more than a drum kit and saxophone. No bullshit posturing here, these guys just rip. The unlikely pairing of the cult blower and US underground drumming journeyman has heralded in a new chapter to the fire music handbook and although you may not have heard of them before, if they are ever in town, you’ll probably be able to hear them playing no matter where you are. Did I mention that these guys are loud?

Vice: Your music is pretty punishing. Do you constantly feel as though you are treading new territory? Corsano: You know, I like trying to get past the point of exhaustion and clumsiness. Or to be able to kick into a gear where it’s more of an instinctual response to what Paul’s playing and what I’m feeling. To say that we’re constantly treading new territory, though, I dunno. That’d be mighty bold for me to sit here and say, “yeah, we’re two real original motherfuckers.” I’d be happier to say that what we do feels honest to us.

It’s an interesting combo you’ve got going. How did it come about? Corsano: I’ve got rock/punk/noise beginnings which makes sense for a 30-year-old record nerd, I guess. Flaherty: I come from a classical and jazz background that incorporated rock and noise throughout the years. Each day the music starts again.

You guys jam with all these amazing improvisers like Thurston Moore and Jim O’Rourke. Anyone left to sit in with? Corsano: Totally. Tons and tons. Collaborating with new people has had a heavy influence on our music when we’re back to playing as a duo—so continuing to rock it with all sorts of different folks feels essential to me. I’d be fucking tickled pink to hear Paul and Peter Brotzmann together.

A guy I know saw you play unamplified and said it’s the loudest shit he ever heard.  Corsano: Well, I think it’s how drums and saxophones sound best. More immediate. You have more control of the sound that way. Plus you’re not roped in by microphones when you play acoustic, so Paul’s free to move around and I don’t have to worry about hitting a microphone by accident and owing somebody a lot of money at the end of the night. BROTHER BANSHEE
Steel Sleet and Last Eyes available now at Missing Link.