This story is over 5 years old.


Spires That in the Sunset Rise Sent Me Popcorn

Nothing has potential to make you feel more like an asshole than begging for snacks on the internet, and being sent the snack you begged for by, not some douche that you would take pleasure in shoving your hands in the pockets of, but a band so...
Kelly McClure
Κείμενο Kelly McClure

Nothing has potential to make you feel more like an asshole than begging for snacks on the internet, and being sent the snack you begged for by, not some douche that you would take pleasure in shoving your hands in the pockets of, but a band so uniquely fresh and talented, that it makes you face palm yourself in shame.

Shame on me.

And yet still, I ate the mixed bag of popcorn that Spires That in the Sunset Rise sent me from Nuts on Clark in one sitting. (Not really. I'm saving half for Friday after work).


I barely even feel like talking about the popcorn part of all of this, because now I feel all emotional and reverent about this band, but I will just briefly say that if you're ever in Chicago (or feel like spending a shit ton on shipping) you have to buy this popcorn. Don't mess around with the nuts they sell, and don't half-ass yourself by just getting their plain popcorn. You have to get the mixed bag, which is caramel corn and cheese corn. I'm not sure what they do to their popcorn, but it melts in your mouth in a real way, and the cheese will stain everything. I will, and have, eaten it until I puked. I used to live right down the street from one, and I'd go there almost every weekend, buy a huge bag, and then scarf it down while watching movies, because I don't give a FUCK. That's it.

So yeah, one day, like an asshole, I tweeted "someone from Chicago send me a bag of corn from Nuts on Clark," and Spires That in the Sunset Rise did. They release albums on a label called Hairy Spider Legs, and it was funny to get a package with that name as the return address.

My cat was like "this is mine," and I was like "no, it's not." The picture below is blurry because he was furiously rubbing his foolish face on the box.

Included with the popcorn was the band's new album, Ancient Patience Wills It Again Part II, which comes out on October 23rd.

This album is gorgeous. It is dramatic, and witchy, and bounces around a million different instruments - intermixed with thunder, rain, and insect noises. I want to call the four corners with this album. I want the ladies in this band to brush my hair and tell me that I did a good job at life. It makes me feel little and quiet. Oh my god … am I about to cry or something?

Oh shit, I just read the post-it included in my package and realize now that the label sent the popcorn, not the band directly. Well, still.
