This story is over 5 years old.

The Appalachia Issue

Vice Fashion - Nottingham Kids

Photos by Alex Sturrock
Κείμενο Alex Sturrock

Photos by Alex Sturrock

Keeley wears hoodie by Religion, T-shirt by 55 DSL and bag by Eastpak

Gareth wears polo shirt by Lacoste

Gareth Mann, 20

Where are you from?

Long Eaton.

What do you hope for the future of your area?

I’m hoping it will be brighter. There’s too many muggings, stabbings, shootings. Everyone needs to realise they’re bringing the name down. I’m hoping for peace—everyone needs to grow up a little bit.


What would you like to do in the future?

I’d like to see grime get a lot bigger, but people need to stop the violence. I’m hoping to make money, release tunes, albums, and be rated all over the place. Not just Europe, but worldwide, everywhere, but obviously that takes work, so… I would like to invent a money-making machine. Money isn’t everything though, is it?

What do you think of people who rob other people?

I’m not going to knock ‘em or anything cos like I’ve done it myself; we’ve all done it. I really think people need to realise what they’re doing, though. Some people do mugging for a laugh but now people are getting killed. It’s not on.

What about the mining industry?

I don’t know really, to be honest. I haven’t really took the time to think ‘cos I’m just trying to concentrate on music. I don’t have time to think about nothing.

What about old people?

They’re all right. They’re too scared to give anyone any hassle.

What about Polish people?

I haven’t really got a problem with them. If they’re willing to work? Fair play to them.

Luke wears jacket by Live Mechanics and shirt model’s own

Luke Maddocks, 19

Where are you from?

Long Eaton.

There’s a lot of miners who lived there, right?

Yeah man, they used to dig all the coal up and shit.

And now a lot of Poles live here.

I think they should go back to their own yard, you know what I mean? They should go back to their own country.



Mans need sending down, you know what I mean?

What are your hopes for the future?

I’d like to be a music producer and DJ.

And if you could invent some amazing machine to improve life for everybody?

Tattoos without needles. I’ve got three already and they didn’t hurt but it would be easier if there were no needles.

Marcus wears cap by New Era, T-shirt by Majestic Athletic, jacket by Puma and trousers by RBK

Marcus Billson, 19

Where are you from?

I’m originally from St Ann’s, but I live in Basford now.

Do you like your area?

Yeah, I’m all right with it. Everyone’s like me, really.

What do you hope for the future of your area?

Not much really, I just hope this area carries on the way it is. There’s not a lot of trouble. I’d like to move back to St Ann’s or closer to town though, personally.

What would you like to do in the future?

I’d like to do something to do with sport, like a footballer. I’d love to get far in that if that was possible.

What do you think of miners?

I don’t really have any views on them, really.

What do you think of old people?

I dunno, sometimes they’re a bit wary and a bit scared to walk the streets, but some of them are all right and don’t really mind. Even though there’s a lot of crime and stuff in Nottingham, people have still got respect for the elderly.

What do you think of Polish people?

You know what, I don’t even really see them you know, apart from a couple of the girls who’ve approached me in night clubs.


What do you think of people who rob people?

Everyone knows it’s not right, but some people are in the struggle where that could be their only option to get money. Personally, I don’t think there’s enough help out there for those people who are struggling. That’s why people take it to that level. I can’t even get a job myself.

What would make your life easier in the future?

A stopwatch that could stop things from happening and try and put things right, without allowing things to go to an extreme. It would be able to stop time and roll back time and be able to put things right where things have gone wrong.

Gemma wears top by Majestic Athletic, jewellery model’s own.